Hey everyone! I found this website with all the records of births, marriages, deaths, and such of Scotland all the way back to 1841! If you're trying to find out who's who in any of your acquired photographs from Scotland, maybe take a look at this this website.
Hope this helped you all! Happy discovering!
Hi, everyone! My name is Emily and I collect antiques. This blog will not only show you all my collection, but will also be used to help me discover what belonged to who. In the case of the photographs I've acquired, I am most interested in finding out more about the people captured on the paper. If you know anything about any of the finds I have on my blog, please let me know! Thank you! :)
Saturday, December 31, 2011
Friday, December 30, 2011
Painting on Wood
I found this beautiful picture and bought it from an antique store in Fenelon Falls, Ontario. Like everything else, I'm uncertain of the woman depicted on it. I'm not sure if it's an original painting that's been coated in a gloss or if it's a print of the painting on the wood that's been glossed over. Regardless, it's a beautiful picture and I wanted to share it with you all. Let me know if you know anything about it! Thank you! :)
The Roffée Brothers

Above are two pictures from the studios G. & W. Morgan (5 Market St, Aberdeen, Scotland) and Elite Studio (same address). For one thing, I'm not sure if G. & W. Morgan became Elite Studios due to the fact that they both have the same address and the Elite photograph was taken after the other, which was taken in 1890.
What I've gathered of these two men is that one's name is John, the other Alexander. They have a sister (I don't have her picture) and whoever wrote on the back of the photograph said they are "Two Brothers on Mother's side" followed by the names of the two men. At the bottom, you can see the negative number, which is 23492 and the date it was taken (1890 as I mentioned before). Because the photographer is in Scotland, I suppose that they are Scottish.
The second photo (negative number 49394) is of one of the brothers in the first picture, though I'm not sure what his name was because there is no specification as to which brother is which (name wise). The back of this one says the death dates of the men: "1919 Dead, January 2 Johnny" and "1921 Dead, July 10th Alex". Perhaps the photograph of the single man is of John, considering his death death date is written first, but I'm not sure because it could just be written in chronological order.
Again, if anyone knows anything about these two, please let me know! I appreciate any information you may have! :)
Totally Unrelated to Antiques, But I Want to Share This!
My poem, The Haven, has been accepted by the Poetry Institute of Canada to be in a 2012 anthology called Shadows by Moonlight, which is a collection of Canada's best poetry written by youth 18 and under and collected in the year 2011 from schools across Canada. I'm so excited, especially because this is the second poem of mine that's being published. My first poem Way Too Contradictory is being published in an anthology of 2011 poetry called Fire and Light, which should be available in stores in January.
Okay, I'm done being excited on here. Sorry for taking your time.
Okay, I'm done being excited on here. Sorry for taking your time.
Someone PLEASE help me find out who this lovely woman is!
Of all the pictures I acquired the other day of handsome gentlemen; precious little babies; and pretty ladies in the most splendid of dresses, this is the one picture that spoke most to me.
This picture was taken in 1890 at G. & W. Morgan, located on 5 Market St. in Aberdeen, Scotland. Presumably (because of the location the photograph was taken), she is a Scottish girl. She looks young, maybe in her late teens, so perhaps she was born in the 1870s? The negative number of this specific picture is 16635. She has a sister and two brothers; I know this because I found the following picture, which I also bought:
Quite the nice family, wouldn't you say? Anyways, the back of her photograph had nothing written on it except the print that came with the card, saying the name of the photography company as well as the negative number, as seen below (it's rather difficult to see because I've sealed the pictures in air-tight bags):
As for the back of the family photo, there is a bit of writing by the son of the boy with his arms crossed in the photo. He wrote: "Chap with arms folded is my Dad George Fordyce. His Brother Andrew + 2 sisters." ...the writing is quite messy and I'm unfamiliar with Scottish surnames, so I don't know what exactly to make of it all. Regardless, I'm assuming that the family photo consist of children all with the last name Fordyce. What annoys me is that the two aunts of the person writing on the back of the photo stay nameless! The father's name is mentioned, the uncle's name is mentioned, but what about the two women?
I've been trying so hard to find out any information about these people on Google, but nothing has come up. I can't even find a website of all the pictures taken at G. & W. Morgan to sort through them myself in order to find what I'm looking for. If anyone can decipher the writing on the backs of these cards better than I have or know who are in these pictures, please let me know! I would be so, so, so thankful!
UPDATE: The Aberdeen library emailed me back regarding information they found about this family. Click here to go to a link where a picture of the directory where G. & W. Morgan is listed. Hopefully there will be more updates to follow! :)
This picture was taken in 1890 at G. & W. Morgan, located on 5 Market St. in Aberdeen, Scotland. Presumably (because of the location the photograph was taken), she is a Scottish girl. She looks young, maybe in her late teens, so perhaps she was born in the 1870s? The negative number of this specific picture is 16635. She has a sister and two brothers; I know this because I found the following picture, which I also bought:
Quite the nice family, wouldn't you say? Anyways, the back of her photograph had nothing written on it except the print that came with the card, saying the name of the photography company as well as the negative number, as seen below (it's rather difficult to see because I've sealed the pictures in air-tight bags):
As for the back of the family photo, there is a bit of writing by the son of the boy with his arms crossed in the photo. He wrote: "Chap with arms folded is my Dad George Fordyce. His Brother Andrew + 2 sisters." ...the writing is quite messy and I'm unfamiliar with Scottish surnames, so I don't know what exactly to make of it all. Regardless, I'm assuming that the family photo consist of children all with the last name Fordyce. What annoys me is that the two aunts of the person writing on the back of the photo stay nameless! The father's name is mentioned, the uncle's name is mentioned, but what about the two women?
I've been trying so hard to find out any information about these people on Google, but nothing has come up. I can't even find a website of all the pictures taken at G. & W. Morgan to sort through them myself in order to find what I'm looking for. If anyone can decipher the writing on the backs of these cards better than I have or know who are in these pictures, please let me know! I would be so, so, so thankful!
UPDATE: The Aberdeen library emailed me back regarding information they found about this family. Click here to go to a link where a picture of the directory where G. & W. Morgan is listed. Hopefully there will be more updates to follow! :)
G and W Morgan,
Market Street,
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